Neurodiversity In Cycling

Cycling Weekly interviewed Diversity In Cycling author, Andy Edwards about his autism and ADHD diagnosis. Also interviewed for the same article are Jonathan Vaughters, ex-professional cyclist and currently sports director of World Tour team EF Education-EasyPost, Olympic rower Caragh McMurtry, and former pro cyclist Mikey Mottram. You can read the article and download a PDF Neurodiversity In Cycling

Ronn Fraser: Getting Started

Andy and I are members of Kingston Wheelers, and he first contacted me about Diversity In Cycling at a very early stage. There had been a discussion in a committee meeting about the lack of diversity within the club, and it was agreed that Andy would go and look into the issues more thoroughly. I Ronn Fraser: Getting Started

Naomi Rumble: Thicker Than Your Average

Visual representation is so important. People of colour have to constantly navigate spaces that do not represent them and often mould themselves to appease others. It is harder to feel comfortable in spaces where people do not look like you or come from the same background you do. Whilst those in ‘traditionally white spaces’ may Naomi Rumble: Thicker Than Your Average

Nasima Siddiqui: Muslim Women Ride Too

When visual representation is so important, I often struggle with my racial identity fitting in with what is termed ‘women of colour’. I am the daughter of an Anglo-Irish-Jewish freckle-skinned mother and a British-Indian-Iranian-Muhajir brown-skinned father. I have lived and grown up in both Saudi Arabia and England. With so much intermixing going on, where Nasima Siddiqui: Muslim Women Ride Too